The Cloud: How It is Going to Transform Your Life as a Java Developer!
This is an interactive, hands-on workshop focused on Platform as a Service (PaaS) and the impact on Java developers caused by cloud computing. How does development in the cloud affect your career? How can you leverage existing Java skills in the cloud? What about PaaS – is it an opportunity or just a lot of hype? This workshop will give you a chance to try out building, testing and running Java apps in the cloud: with a focus on what professional Java developers need to know - using Git SCM repositories, running Jenkins CI as a service for continuous integration testing, managing persistence with cloud-based database services and more.
Topics Covered
· The cloud as a paradigm shift
· PaaS vs. IaaS vs. SaaS – what are the differences and why they matter to you
· Tools and techniques – best practices for software development in the cloud
· Hands-on workshop – working with a PaaS from setup through to deployment
Session Overview
The cloud is one of those leading paradigm shifts that only happen every 10–15 years. Like other shifts before it (virtualization, offshoring), the cloud profoundly impacts the IT industry. No profession, no sector will be shielded from the changes brought by the cloud.
9:30 - 11:30am: Introduction to the Cloud, Impact on Java Development
Mark Prichard, Senior Director of Product Management, CloudBees, will discuss how cloud computing is a natural step in the evolution of IT and dig into what those changes mean for Java developers. Through a series of hands-on examples, he will drill down into how a Java PaaS works and why this is an ideal model for professional Java developers.
11:30am - 12:00pm: Lunch (provided)
12:00 - 4:00pm: Hands-on Session
Participants will set up a PaaS environment (in just a couple of clicks) and see how PaaS dramatically speeds application development. We will cover setup, development and deployment of a rich variety of Java apps in the cloud–if you want, bring some Java code of your own that you’d like to deploy, to see for yourself how easy it is!
This interactive workshop is sponsored by: New England Java Users Group (NEJUG),
Boston Chapter - Association of Computer Machinery (ACM) and CloudBees
Cost: $30 (includes lunch, parking) – bring your own laptop (required for hands-on)