Professional Development Seminars
Title | Event date | Lecturer(s) | Abstract |
Java Gems: Ant, Tapestry and Lucene | Saturday, April 9, 2005 - 9:00am | Erik Hatcher |
While the Java language is fun, friendly, and easy to learn, to successfully build sophisticated applications, a Java developer needs to keep up with the alternatives available from the open-source landscape. This tutorial focuses on three open-source Java projects, namely, Ant, Tapestry and Lucene. Ant is the de facto Java build tool, automating steps of the development process such as unit testing, documenting, reporting, packaging and deploying. This tutorial covers the basics, tips and tricks, as well as best practices of building a web application. |
MySQL Technical Overview | Saturday, March 19, 2005 - 9:00am | Hans Zaunere |
MySQL is the 'M' in LAMP, the popular open source application stack that comprises Linux, Apache, MySQL and any one or more of PHP, Python or Perl. This seminar will focus on MySQL under the hood and its unique storage engine architecture. By utilizing a modular design, MySQL server provides solutions that meet different technical requirements such as those typical of high volume web sites, OLAP/OLTP applications or clustering environments. This seminar will also introduce database users to the enterprise features available in MySQL. |
Weaving Meaning: An Overview of the Semantic Web | Saturday, November 20, 2004 - 9:00am | Eric Miller |
The goal of the Semantic Web initiative is to create a universal medium for the exchange of data. Facilities to put machine-understandable data on the Web are quickly becoming a high priority for many organizations, individuals and communities. The Web can reach its full potential only if it becomes a place where data can be shared and processed by automated tools as well as by people. For the Web to scale, tomorrow’s programs must be able to share and process data even when these programs are designed independently. |
Web Bloopers: Common Web Design Mistakes and How to Avoid Them | Saturday, October 23, 2004 - 9:00am | Jeff Johnson |
This seminar presents common Web design bloopers and ways to avoid them. The seminar includes exercises in which participants spot bloopers on pages provided by the instructor and on live websites. There will be discussions on how to avoid and correct them. After completing this seminar, participants will have a checklist for evaluating their own Web development projects. Participants will become better designers and customers of websites and online services. Who Should Attend? |
Perl 6 and Parrot | Saturday, October 2, 2004 - 9:00am | Dan Sugalski |
Parrot is a new language-independent virtual machine intended to run Perl 6, Perl 5, Python, Ruby, and z-machine code. It is a register-based, bytecode-driven, asynchronous, event-capable, threaded VM with a built-in just-in-time compiler. This tutorial will provide an overview of Parrot and some technologies in the Parrot engine. Who Should Attend? Perl and Python users interested in finding out what is coming down the pike and system developers interested in learning about some breakthrough technologies for language runtime systems. |