Simplified XML Programming in Water

Saturday, May 4, 2002 - 9:00am
MIT 34-101
Christopher Fry & Mike Plusch

Water is a new programming language designed specifically for XML and secure distributed programming. It significantly reduces the complexity of building web applications. Water has one simple and concise representation for data, logic, and presentation. The language has a concise XML syntax and unifies existing web standards including HTML, JavaScript, Java, CSS, URL, JSP, XSLT, and SQL. Even the debugger and documentation tool use the native Water language. Water supports a "Learn Once, Use Everywhere" philosophy. We'll be able to cover the entire language within a day and you'll leave knowing how to build and deploy your own applications using Water. Water is an open language specification. An efficient interpreter is freely available and can be deployed on any platform in a J2EE or servlet engine. The language and development tool is available at:

Seminar in Detail: 

  • Goals of the language: Power, Simplicity, Encompassing
  • Type system - Every object can act as a type.
  • Object model - More OO than SmallTalk.
  • Security model - Every object as a sandbox.
  • HTML as a Water library
  • Built-in control structures
  • Methods
  • Simplified SOAP
  • Building custom control structures
  • Pricing: 

    Advanced Registration Price: $80.00 Good until Tuesday, 04/30/2002
    Regular Price: $90.00

    Title: Dive Into Water
    Author(s): Deitel, Fry and Plusch
    Publisher: Prentice Hall
    List price: $34.95
    PDS price: $25.00
    Jay Conne
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