The Web has gone through a series of evolutionary steps. Beginning with the display of static text and pictures, it progressed through dynamic pages generated from a database, multimedia, powerful searching capabilities, and into broad creation of information through Blogs, Wikis and Portals.
In this seminar we delve into client side technologies using JavaScript, communications tools and widget libraries. We also address server side development, using highly productive Web frameworks that support rapid development and easy modification. By the end of the seminar you will have a new toolbox filled with techniques for rapidly building the rich applications that are driving the next generation of Web usage.
The Web is largely a "read only" media. Creation and manipulation of information has been the domain of desktop applications installed on each user’s computer. Attempts to do more than simple data entry have involved building specialized client/server applications or tolerating large delays and high overhead to run in a standard browser.
AJAX has changed the rules by showing how to use Web technologies and standard browsers to deliver applications that rival traditional desktop applications in interactivity. By combining a set of tools which have been available for years you can deliver new levels of user experience.
$495 before Sept. 21, $600 after Sept. 21, $650 Day of Seminar
Alex Russell
Alex is Project Lead for The Dojo Toolkit, serves as President of the Dojo Foundation, and is a Senior Engineer at SitePen, a consultancy specializing in Dojo application development. Alex has been fighting browsers since the late 90's and together with a growing group of contributors is helping to build the Dojo Toolkit into the preferred way to engineer dynamic web application interfaces.
Prior to SitePen's sponsorship of his full-time Dojo work, Alex helped improve the responsiveness and user experience of JotSpot, the application platform cleverly disguised as a wiki. Alex also has done stints improving the experiences for diverse and data-intensive web applications in business intelligence, security system reporting, and medical data entry and reporting.
Adrian Holvaty
In his day job, Adrian is editor of editorial innovations at Washingtonpost Newsweek Interactive ( The job involves coming up with ideas for site improvements and special projects, and implementing them. Before this, he was lead developer at World Online, a highly-renowned news Web operation in Lawrence, Kansas. The three primary sites there are, and They all won all of the major industry awards while he worked there. Read about it in The New York Times, NPR and IT Conversations.
He enjoys using and contributing to open-source software. He is lead developer of Django, an open-source programming framework that makes Web development fun and fast while maintaining high standards and adhering to best practices. Python is his favorite programming language. He is passionate about making useful information easily available to people.
Simon Willison
Simon Willison works for Yahoo! on the Technology Development team responsible for YUI - the Yahoo! User Interface tool suite. He is an experienced client- and server-side developer and maintains a long running technical weblog. He is one of the hackers behind Django, the open-source Python web framework aimed at "web developers on journalism deadlines".