Introduction to PSoC 4 (C) Architecture with support for Arduino (C) Shields

Saturday, September 7, 2013 - 9:00am
Patrick Kane & Mike Daly

The PSoC (c) IDE combines a context sensitive C editor with a Schematic Capture GUI for designing mixed signal functions with libraries of analog and digital virtual hardware; after place, route and compilation, you flash the completed design onto a piece of target hardware. The integrated hardware / software co-designs use a unified bitstream image of your application to program a reconfigurable Cypress Semiconductor PSoC, situated on a compact printed circuit board development target containing several sensors and LEDs.
This seminar consists of an introduction to the PSoC 4 (c) architecture and associated Pioneer development board and kit. Patrick will demonstrate how Arduino shields can be used with the Pioneer board. The bulk of the workshop will consist of labs using the new Cypress PSoC 4 Pioneer kit. All attendees will receive a CY8CKIT-042 PSoC 4 Pioneer kit so you can continue the exercises on your own at home.

The PSoC (c) Creator software that will be used in the workshop is free and available for download at . Please install the latest version of the software on a laptop that you will bring with you prior to the workshop so that we can minimize the amount of workshop time we spend on installation issues. PSoC Creator is WIN based and as such will only run on PCs or MACs running a WIN environment.

This seminar is free, but you must register at so we have enough development kits and food.