Hands On Workshop: Learn To Use Capacitative Sensing Technology to Interface to Sliders, Buttons and Clickwheels
This workshop will teach you approaches for providing touch sensing capabilities using Cypress CapSense technology. Workshop attendees will perform hands-on labs utilizing the Cypress PSoC in multiple touch sense and proximity sensing applications. Kits will be available for the labs and a discount code will be supplied for those registered attendees who want to purchase kits before or after the lab. More information on PSoC can be found at www.cypress.com/cua .
This hands-on tutorial will show you how to build several systems using the PSoC Integrated Development Environment, which combines a context sensitive C editor with a Schematic Capture process for designing with libraries of analog and digital virtual hardware, and then download the design onto a piece of target hardware. The integrated hardware / software co-designs use a unified bitstream image of your application to program a reconfigurable Cypress Semiconductor PSoC, situated on a compact printed circuit board development target containing several sensors and LEDs.
Patrick will present a high level overview of touch sense technologies, PSoC architecture, and Creator SW flow in the first 45 minutes, followed by a break for pizza. Mike will then take over to explain how CapSense works in the PSoC. We will then break into groups to work on the lab exercises. We expect to be able to get through at least two labs.
This seminar is free, but you must register at http://psoccapsense.eventbrite.com so we have enough development kits and food.