The Chapter’s annual business meeting will be held 30 minutes before the June evening meeting. The meeting agenda will include a year-end review by the President, the Treasurer’s report and officer elections. The nomination committee has selected the following candidates to run for the following positions. The nominee’s position statements and biographies are included below. The candidates are running uncontested this year.
Edward Freedman (candidate for President)
Edward Freedman has been a member of ACM and several ACM SIGs since 1984 and has been an active member of GBC/ACM for many years. He is a member of the IEEE Computer Society and Social Implications of Technology Society, among others. Edward holds degrees in Physics, Computer Science, and Bioinformatics. He has worked at university research labs, government agencies (NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center and White Sands Missile Range), and private industry (Digital Equipment and Compaq). At Digital and Compaq, he was a principal software engineer working on tools for software development, advanced development in parallel algorithms and system architecture, architecture verification tools for 64-bit Alpha processors, and consulted on the design and development of Alpha products with partner companies. He currently develops tools for genome analysis at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard.
Position statement: In January 2006 I became Chairman of the Strategic Planning Committee, in June 2006 was elected GBC/ACM Vice-President and re-elected in June 2007. Over these two and a half years, I’ve had the privilege to lead the Planning Committee and a group of dedicated volunteers to reengineer the functioning of the chapter. This began with my vision for a new PDS model that debuted with our very successful Deep AJAX Seminar and then Deep Agile Seminar. We’ve accomplished a financial turnaround for the chapter and defined a more professional model for PDS events. We’ve improved internal communications via a chapter administrative website and recently deployed a new public website. We’ve extended our educational outreach by producing events in the Annual Cambridge Science Festival. This has been an exciting transition, but we still have more work to do. We will continue to run popular and successful PDS events and monthly technical presentations. In addition, we should enhance the public website with multimedia content from our technical events, expand our educational outreach through new free or easily affordable programs and events, grow our membership, and inspire more members to join our active volunteers and help create the dynamic and vibrant organization that GBC/ACM can become.
Russ Doty (Candidate for Vice-President)
Russ Doty has been an active member of GBC/ACM for several years. He is member of the strategic planning committee and was instrumental in the planning of the Deep AJAX and Deep Agile seminars.
Marina Shalmon (Candidate for Secretary)
Marina Shalmon is a recent member of ACM, and an active volunteer in GBC/ACM. She is also currently the Secretary of the ABC (Agile Bazaar Chapter) of ACM. Marina holds a Ph.D. in Solid State Physics, and has worked for many years in the field of Computer Science, more recently as a manager. She has worked for Bell Northern Research in Montreal, Canada, Nortel Networks in Montreal and Billerica, Ma, Avaya in Concord, Ma and Wind River in Nashua, NH. She is currently Applications Development Manager at AccuRev Inc in Lexington, Ma. Marina’s main expertise and interests in Computer Science/Computer Engineering lie in the areas of telecom, Operating Systems, performance and high availability, user interface and usability. On the software development side, she is a proponent of agile development methods, of simplification and elegance.
Position statement: I am interested in maintaining the GBC/ACM as a healthy and far reaching community organization, while developing its relationships and cooperations with other local chapters. I want to use my organizational skills in the service of the community, and the position of Secretary is the ideal place where I can contribute to keep things organized and in good order.
Yona Carmichael (candidate for reelection as Treasurer)
Yona Carmichael is the current GBC/ACM Treasurer. During her 4 years in office, she has analyzed the budgets and expenditures of the organization, and implemented many cost-saving measures to allow the chapter to be more fiscally responsible. She is also serving as the volunteer Treasurer of several other organizations with which she is involved.